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First Steps Drop in Program
Centre for Young Parents has always relied on the care and support of volunteers to run our childcare.
We offer free, drop-in childcare for our clients while they are attending school at the Bridge Network Outreach School, meeting with their Family Support Worker, or attending any of our programs and services.
If you have a lot of love to give and enjoy the presence of children fill out our application and send it in!
As a non-profit we rely on fundraising and the generous donations we receive from the community.
If you have skills in event planning, administration, organization, or are good with people then we need your help.
We are currently recruiting for our fundraising committee that consists of board members, staff, and community volunteers. If you are interested in lending a hand for a day or for a year then fill out our application and send it in!
Board of Directors
Our Board of Directors is very important to our organization. Do you want to help make a difference in the Grande Prairie community and in the lives of our clients?
We are seeking skilled, experienced, and diverse board members for our Board of Directors. Interested? Fill out our application and send it in!
Not sure if the organization is right for you? Learn more about us here
One Time Donation
As a registered charity we are able to give taxable receipts. To give a one-time donation click on the Donate Now button above. This process through Canada Helps will allow you to choose the type of donation you want to give.
When you select the area you want the funding to go to we ensure that your donation goes towards the program, service, or capital cost.
Not sure what area you want to donate to? Or, you don't care where the funding is allotted. You can still donate by selecting "2. Please use where it is most needed". That way we can dedicate those funds to the programs, services, or capital costs that most need to be addressed.
All the donations we receive, whether restricted to one area or not, all go towards support pregnant and parenting youth in Grande Prairie!
We are so grateful for all the donations we receive from the community, and they help us to support our program participants in building positive futures.
Item Donation
We take a wide range of item donations from the community to support the pregnant and parenting youth in our program. For a list of items we accept scroll down.
We are so grateful for all the support and giving that we see everyday from community members. Your gift makes it possible for us to offer inclusive supports, and to help provide necessities for the parents and children in our program.
For a full list of items we are needing or accepting at the time please call our office at
(780) 538-3854 or message us by clicking here.
Donations Items we Accept
Baby Items
Clothing (all sizes, all types)
Diapers (typically need sizes 4, 5, 6 & pull ups the most)
Car seats*
Change tables
Receiving Blankets
Diaper bags
Changing pads
Baby Towels
Teething Toys
Toiletries (shampoo, nail clippers, lotion etc.)
* The car seat needs have had a single owner, never been in an accident, and is not expired.
Other Items
Maternity clothing
Breastfeeding pump
Breastfeeding pillows
Gift cards
Nursing pads
Bus passes
Eastlink passes
Food suggestions
Baby Foods
Beverages – Hot chocolate/Teas/Juice boxes
Pasta/Kraft Dinner
Pasta Sauces
Soups – Mushroom/Chicken Noodle/Tomato
Peanut butter/Jams
Granola bars
Canned fruits/vegetables
Fresh Fruits & Vegetables
Lunch Meats
Condiments (mayo/mustard/ketchup etc)
Become A Funder
As a not-for-profit organization we rely on the support of our funders, donors, and partners to provide the wrap-around, inclusive supports we do to pregnant and parenting youth in Grande Prairie and the surrounding area.
We are always seeking new and innovative ways to build programming, so that our clients and their families are able to receive the best support possible.
If you would like to help us continue to support and impact the lives of our participants then contact us and we can talk in detail about the work we do and how we can work together.